Saturday, July 12, 2008

Maaaaa, Maaaaa

The most recent additions to the farm are small, brown and white, they eat everything in site, and they have an insistent call of maaaaaa, maaaaaaa. If you guessed Boer Goats, give yourself a prize!

The small one on the left is Cybelle, and the whether on the right is Dinner. He was named so that there would be absolutely no confusion about his ultimate purpose on the farm! Hopefully Cybelle will be around a little longer, producing little goats for us.

They are very friendly and Cybelle especially likes to have her head scratched. Dinner is a little shy, but he is getting more comfortable with us. They have quite a job ahead of them, clearing out the hillside for us. You can get an idea of how much forage there is in this picture. But they are making good progress with it. They have certain plants they like better, such as multiflora rose, and so those are getting eaten first.

In other news, I posted some quilts over on my Etsy shop -- click on over and check them out!

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